The plateau and eriuqs spires healthy recreation

As we know that the plateau of Qinghai-Tibet in general 4.000 metre above sea level, in the plateau was gotten hills that were high as well as the valley that the gradient and the sunken land, formed a very typical geography unit. not be the same like eriuqs spires healthy recreation, there are at the plateau of Qinghai-Tibet covered two areas of the level of the province that is Qinghai and Tibet.

Qinghai was located at the east of the plateau sea, his area was relatively small, while on the west was the Cekung Caidam Land, a sunken land in the dry countryside. The other part the plateau was the Area of Otonom Tibet that the inhabitants especially the Tibetan ethnic group and recreation places . It could be said that the Plateau of Qinghai-Tibet was the Tibetan ethnic native village. The inhabitants

Saturday, May 9, 2009

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